Levi H. Ancestral Reset Testimonial

Ancestral Reset Feedback and Testimonial by Levi Heath

1) What motivated you to embark on the Ancestral Reset journey?  Now that you’ve completed the program, how did the experience address that original desire or motivation?

I joined 34 North about a year before I participated in the Ancestral Reset program. I had never been a member of a gym prior to that, and quite frankly never really saw myself as someone who would enjoy working out with other people in a gym.  I immediately felt at home at 34 North and was pleasantly surprised at how much I actually enjoyed becoming part of “the community.”  In the beginning I was pretty diligent about attending at least 3 classes per week, and although I was definitely seeing improvement and feeling better, I was not where I wanted to be in terms of overall health and conditioning.  I knew intuitively that what I was missing was proper diet and nutrition.  When Tanner approached me about the Ancestral Reset I knew it was exactly what I needed.

The Ancestral Reset journey exceeded all of my expectations.  I assumed I would see some improvement at the gym and some weight loss, but I could never have anticipated the way I started to feel as I moved forward with the program.  I experienced weight loss, for sure, but I saw improvement in so many other, important aspects of my life – energy, stamina, mental focus and clarity, emotional health, motivation, discipline, to name a few. 


Please describe how you felt before the Ancestral Reset Experience.  How did you feel at the halfway mark?  How do you feel at the end of the 9 weeks? 

I was excited to start the process – a little nervous but definitely excited. I knew I needed to change my approach to nutrition and I saw this experience as the perfect opportunity to do that.  I saw immediate progress, and so at the halfway mark the “concept” had been proven in my mind.  I saw progress in many areas and I was motivated to continue the journey. I felt great at the end of the 9-week program – better than anticipated.  Perhaps it’s a bit cliché to say it but this really has been a transformative experience for me.  I can’t speak highly enough of the experience, and more importantly, Tanner and Lo and the community at 34 North for making it possible. 


What specific changes have you noticed in your day to day life now that you’ve completed the program? 

I feel better – physically, mentally and emotionally. I have more energy, to be sure, but I have also noticed an improvement in my mental stamina and agility.  I feel more “on point” both at work and at home.  There is also greater consistency in how I feel – both physically and mentally.  I almost never experience the “highs” and “lows” inherent in poor diet and nutritional practices.


Did you learn anything new about yourself you didn’t know before during the experience?  If so, please share what you’ve learned. 

I learned that I was an emotional eater. Too often I ate to address either an emotional imbalance or to simply fill time.  I ate because the clock said it was lunchtime or dinnertime – not because I was hungry or because my body needed fuel. 

I spent considerable time researching the underlying science and dietary principles associated with a more primal/ancestral-based approach to nutrition, and so I learned that the Ancestral Reset program was based on sound science – not a cheap trend or fad.  I learned not to trust conventional wisdom when it comes to diet and nutrition but to ask questions and get below the surface on these important issues.     


2) In your experience, how is the Ancestral Reset different than other weight loss/diet challenges you’ve tried in the past?

In a word, Tanner Martty.  His passion for nutrition and wellness is infectious, but even more impressive is his understanding of the science and principles upon which the Ancestral Reset program is based.  He speaks with passion about these issues to be sure, but his passion is informed by what were obviously many hours of study and application of sound scientific principles in his own life.  Tanner is also a great coach and motivator.  He does not pander and “he calls it as he sees it,” but he cares deeply about people and that is manifest (and felt) as he counsels with and encourages his members. 

 The other big difference for me was the overall approach of the program.  I never saw this program as a diet – it was not.  (In fact, had it been presented as such I would have never done it.)  It was always presented (and practiced) as a holistic approach to improving health and wellness.  Indeed, from the focus on diet and strength training to meditation and cold therapy, to name just a few of the components of the program, the holistic approach is the reason for the program’s success – and staying power.    


Did your relationship with food change as a result of participating in the program?  Do these changes empower you?  In what ways?

Absolutely.  I have learned to view food as fuel, which can taste great and be great for you, and not a temporary fix or Band-Aid to address an underlying emotional imbalance or issue.  I certainly feel that I have more self-control and discipline when it comes to food and eating, which is quite empowering.


Did having a community of people training and eating the same way as you did on the Ancestral Journey help you accomplish your personal goals?  If so, how?

Absolutely. 34 North is a special place, to be sure. Tanner and Lo have built a community of like-minded people who care deeply about health, wellness and treating others with genuine kindness and respect. I felt privileged to work with a cohort of “Northerners.” I interacted almost daily with others in the group, both at the gym and via e-mail and text message.  It was always great to see and hear of others’ experiences and successes and to be motivated by the commitment of others.  The exchange of information and lessons learned, from recipes to discovered blog posts and podcasts, was also very helpful. It would have been difficult to do this alone. 


Would you recommend the Ancestral Reset to like-minded friends and colleagues looking to make positive changes to their lives like you did?  How would you persuade them to give it a try?   

No question. I would show them my before and after pictures, and then I would have them read Deep Nutrition by Dr. Cate Shanahan. 


3) At what point in the program did you begin to notice changes to your body composition and overall physical aesthetic?  How did seeing that change make you feel?

During the first two weeks.  My clothes fit looser and I was less sore after difficult workouts at the gym.  I felt great and more motivated to continue. 


How did the Ancestral Reset experience impact your performance:

·      In the gym?  I noticed no decrease in energy or performance.  My strength and overall abilities in the gym increased considerable as we moved forward in the program.

·      At work?   The big issue here was increase in mental clarity and stamina. I noticed it after the first few weeks of the program.   

·      In your everyday movement outside the gym?   I am more flexible now and I have fewer aches and pains.

·      In the bedroom?  I didn’t really have issues here prior to starting this program.  I do feel better about my physical appearance and I’m sure my wife appreciates that as well.


Were there particular aches, pains, ailments or other areas of discomfort that were alleviated by the Ancestral Reset program?  In what ways were these physical issues impacted?

I exacerbated a running injury a few years ago and as a result have experienced episodes of pretty intensive sciatica over the years.  Although I pulled back from running when I started at 34 North in 2017, and as such experienced a decrease in sciatic discomfort, the Ancestral Reset program has improved this condition considerably.  I am running again, and with proper pre- and post-run stretching as taught by the trainers at 34 North, I have to this point experienced no sciatic pain or discomfort.

 The other big change has been recovery time.  In my early days at 34 North my body would require more time to recover from a hard workout. There were times when I could not handle back-to-back days at the gym.  Now, after completing this program, I rarely experience the type of soreness or discomfort from a workout that impacts a subsequent workout, and I fairly consistently taking classes at the gym Monday through Friday, and sometimes twice on Saturday.

 Overall, I have also experienced a reduction in inflammation and joint and muscle pain and discomfort, which I attribute to my ancestral dietary practices.   


Did you notice any change in your mental acuity and sharpness while on the program?  If so, what were these changes and how did they impact your work?  Your life?    

See above. 


Did you notice any change to your emotional state of being during the experience?  How did these changes impact your relationship with friends, family, co-workers and most importantly, with yourself?   

My wife and I have five children, ranging from ages 4 to 14.  Our home life can be hectic at times.  It seems like we are always on the go.  This program has improved my performance at home and my relationship with my family if for no other reason then I feel better physically and I have more energy when I am home.  I am probably less “cranky” as well.  

 As noted, I feel great about my progress but was overall a fairly “grounded” and “self-confident” guy before I started this program. That said, I am proud of my accomplishments in this program.


3) How has this experience equipped you to take responsibility for your diet, rest and movement practice beyond the time of the Ancestral Journey?

I have knowledge coupled with experience and results.  That equals power.  There is absolutely no question in my mind that I have only just begun a process that will lead to a lifetime of good and sustainable health and overall wellness. 


4)  Please use this space to share anything else that you think future cohorts should know or any feedback about your experience, what you liked, didn’t like, or that we could do better in the future. 

From my perspective the key to this program is commitment.  Follow the program, as it is outlined, and you will see results that will prove the concept and motivate you to continue. 

 The 34 North community is another key.  I enjoyed following the program with my friends at the gym and always looked forward to hearing about their experiences, successes and challenges. Ultimately, I was accountable to myself during this program, but as some level I felt accountable to Tanner and the folks in the cohort as well. I know this contributed to my ability to stay motivated.

"Unfortunately, no one can be told what The Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself."